Everyone will be tested at some point, and when life throws you through a loop, it can feel like there's no roadmap to help guide the way. So I talk a ton about learning how to tackle unexpected adversity and that It's up to us all to take control of our futures by cultivating strategies that foster resilience - so that the next time something knocks us down, we know precisely how to get back up!
Well, last week, I was tested. Again. I did pretty well, but there were moments when I could feel the resistance, stress, and frustration still building up. I even had a few angry moments.
I have spoken time and time again about how to alchemize a perceived adverse event into a positive by your reaction. My coach Brian Johnson mentally or even aloud, says, "Bring it on" the minute something challenging gets dropped in his lap or becomes an obstacle. In his last email, he talked about David Goggins' process. He quoted Goggins on his habit of when things get complicated. Mine is simple. No matter what life serves me, I say, 'Roger that.' Most people think 'Roger that' simply means 'Order received.' However, some people infuse ROGER with more intention in the military and define it as, 'Received, order given, expect results.' When used that way, it is so much more than an acknowledgment. It's an accelerant. It bypasses the over-analytical brain and stimulates actions because, in some situations, thinking is the enemy."
Now this is genius. If you are anything like me, a little accelerant, aka motivation when a shit bomb gets dropped on you, would help. I have not had the same life experience as my coach, and I will be honest, sometimes my immediate reaction is, "Really??". But knowing all that I know now after studying philosophy, reading hundreds of self-help books, and observing people who have succeeded and grown despite challenges, I know that that "Really??" voice is not me. Instead, I am on the other side of that challenge as a better version of myself.
Yes, it's easy to forget the lessons we have worked so hard for in moments of challenge. But with antifragile self-confidence and a heroic attitude, you can rise above even the most unexpected setbacks! So, I want to ensure that my reaction when life throws its most challenging curveballs is to show the stoic strength I have cultivated and not let adversity get in my way.
I am not saying that a positive attitude can smooth over any hurdles--it won't. But getting weighed down by the problem only makes things worse. So I am choosing to face reality confidently and look for solutions and even silver linings instead of focusing on the issues. I strive to make every setback or difficulty an opportunity to learn and grow, then keep moving forward.
So what is my new favorite expression?? Yup!! You guessed it......Roger that ❤️
Your guide to personal and professional transformation,
Jenn Maher
Business Coach & Life Force Strategist
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