Experience soulful prosperity in all areas of your life through our blog and podcast! Join us as we explore the intersections of creativity, health, and more. Our guests, experts in their fields, will share their knowledge and experiences with you. This platform is also a space for my personal growth towards self-actualization. Be inspired as I document every step of my journey and learn alongside me. Don't miss out on the valuable insights and transformative power of Soulful Prosperity! 


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Speaking MY truth May 04, 2023

June 4, 2022, will always remain a day in my memory that I'll never forget. My former business partner, with whom I had shared the joys and struggles of building our company for over ten years, launched an ambush against me with his attorney - making wild accusations about criminal activity on my...

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Let's Talk Traction Apr 27, 2023

Overcoming Business Blockages: A System to Grow Your Business 

For business owners and entrepreneurs, the path to success is often filled with hard work, perseverance, and tenacity. However, there may come a time when these qualities are no longer enough to push your business forward. This...

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Roger That Apr 12, 2023

Everyone will be tested at some point, and when life throws you through a loop, it can feel like there's no roadmap to help guide the way. So I talk a ton about learning how to tackle unexpected adversity and that It's up to us all to take control of our futures by cultivating...

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Who were you? Apr 05, 2023

I had a pretty good idea of who I was as a child. I was creative, imaginative, and curious, wanting to explore the world and learn new things. I was also a dreamer, and I loved to make up stories and create imaginary worlds. Unfortunately, as I grew older, I found that the world had a different...

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The Power of Taking Time to Be Bored Mar 27, 2023

I am writing this blog on a flight home from my home in the Dominican Republic. I often go there on solo work retreats that have become a vital part of my health and wellness, personally and professionally. On these retreats, the agenda is " Not much." I spend time in deep work and focus. I spend...

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Walk the freaking talk! Mar 17, 2023

That’s right. I said it. WALK THE TALK, PEOPLE! That is what it takes to be successful in all areas of your life. 

With this newfound "faith" I talk about, It' 's not so much that I trust myself…   

It's that I trust my PRACTICE.   

When I do...

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Unlock Your Inner Entrepreneur with Intuition Mar 09, 2023

Intuition is a word I had just recently associated with business. The past year I started taking work retreats and spending even more time on self-care. Physically, mentally, spiritually, and creatively. And what was birthed out of this process was my intuition. When I think back on so many of...

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Prey drive vs. Life force Mar 01, 2023

 In his empowering book, "Flip the Switch," Coach Micheal Burt explores an invigorating concept he calls Prey Drive. It's a refreshing way to think about life force, composed of three essential parts: Activation (finding and utilizing your daily motivation), Persistence (developing emotional...

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The Courage to Innovate is not optional. Feb 22, 2023

It's not always easy to abandon tradition, but the times are changing more rapidly than ever, and change can be necessary for growth and survival. 

You can start by identifying outdated practices by examining your industry and looking internally at your customs that once made sense but now...

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Why do we hurt those we are closest to? Feb 14, 2023

Have you ever wondered why we are often meanest to the people we like or love the most? This is a question I have been pondering for some time now. I have sometimes said hurtful things to my family, friends, and coworkers. I often use humor at other people's expense.  


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